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Barbara - Box # 01

Psychic and Medium

Barbara's New Book Click here

"My readings are deep and powerful, uplifting and positive"

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  • Who are your Guides

  • Instant online Psychic reading

  • Aura reading

  • Baby-reading

  • Barbara Bandel

  • Soulmate/Twinsouls

  • Psychic Medium reading

  • Contact deceased loved ones

Phone-reading $6.50 p/m 1-800 2836088 Box # 01

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Barbara - Box # 01

Psychic and Medium

Barbara's New Book Click here

"My readings are deep and powerful, uplifting and positive"

  • Soul purpose

  • Career/Work

  • Money/Finance

  • Gives timeframe

  • Who are your Guides

  • Instant online Psychic reading

  • Aura reading

  • Baby-reading

  • Barbara Bandel

  • Soulmate/Twinsouls

  • Psychic Medium reading

  • Contact deceased loved ones

Phone-reading $6.50 p/m 1-800 2836088 Box # 01

I am proud to present my new book: My Most Memorable Psychic Readings And Personal Stories. Plus, Exercises and Meditations To Expand and Deepen Your Awareness. Paperback 251 pages. Language: English.

You can read about the 14 chapters and how to order this book here: www.barbara-psychicmedium-book.com


How do I work?

When you call me, I immediately focus deep into your energy and within a couple of seconds I connect with your soul and your Guides. They know exactly where you are coming from, where you are now and where you want to go on this lifepath. The answers to your questions are giving to me by your Guides. During the reading they work together with my Guides. (So if you think you are only talking to me...you are not ha.)

I work with a photo of the person you have questions about. With a photo I can receive loads of information. This also applies if you have questions about yourself.

If you want to have contact with a deceased loved one, I also need a photo. I always delete the photo right after the reading. It has to be a clear photo of the person looking into the camera with no sunglasses.

I can give you a timeline of coming events but I always emphasize that you have the ability to pull things closer to you or to push them unintentionally further away. I can help you with how to stop pushing things unintentionally away.

What is a psychic healing

Are you an old soul

What are chakras

Example of questions you can ask

The right psychic ?

What is a psychic medium

Different kind of spirit guides

Tips for a succesful reading

Who is my spiritguide

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Barbara Psychic Medium and its services are for entertainment purpose only. You must be 18 years or older.