Love carddeck

Think about your question before you click on the cards. The cards are not past, present and future; you must interpret them as a combined story in your Now.

Restore balance
Currently there is a bit of an imbalance between what you give and what you receive in your relationship. This happened without you being aware of it and that is why we – your guides – are happy that we can now point this out to you. Giving and taking must be in balance so that a relationship remains healthy and can continue to grow. Look at how you can receive more. We are happy to help you with this. When you give more in a relationship it sometimes means that you think that you don’t deserve more.
What would you like to receive from your partner. Maybe you can make a list. Your partner is willing to listen and he or she will respect what you feel and what you want. This can give your relationship a fresh impulse.

Flawless intuition
The lesson you are currently learning is the lesson that you can always trust your intuition.
Go back to the very first feeling you had with this person and see that your feelings were spot-on (as is always the case with your feelings). Your mind and maybe some people around you wanted to make you believe something else. The better you learn to listen to your intuition, the easier you will go through life.And your intuition is flawless.
How often do you hear yourself say: I knew I couldn’t trust this person, I just knew it! When you look back at the moment you met someone for the very first time, your intuition will always give you correct information about this person.

Sunshine after rain
Even though you feel sad and perhaps even inconsolable, this feeling won’t stay with you for long. You must know that there are better times coming for you. You can not imagine this yet, but soon you will start to see and feel this. Know this and trust this. You too have the right for happiness and that is what is coming. Sometimes the Universe has to intervene in a rough way so that you continue to walk your path. This is done out of love and not to hurt you. On the contrary, by intervening you get the happiness you were looking for. In the next couple of months you will see that there will be sunshine after rain.
Have fun with these readings and remember that they are for entertainment only.